All Certified Professionals need to meet certain requirements to maintain and renew their certification. These requirements are part of the Framework Rules and Sub-Rules (the Rules). These requirements include ongoing engagement in industry and continuing professional development (CPD).
The requirements for each certification are slightly different, and are detailed below.
Any certified professional who does not meet the maintenance requirements may be found ineligible for renewal and may need to re-apply for certification at the end of their certification period.
If you have taken a break from work during your certification period due to caring responsibilities, illness or other personal reasons, please contact the EEC Professional Certifications Framework Secretariat to discuss options for adjusting your maintenance and renewal requirements.
General Requirements
Adhere to the Framework Rules, the relevant Sub-rules and the Code of Conduct
From time to time, the EEC Board may amend the Rules or the Code of Conduct. It is the responsibility of each certified individual to stay informed of these changes, and to adhere to current requirements.
Changes to the Rules, Sub-Rules or the Code of Conduct will be posted on the Framework website and certified professionals will be notified by email.
Satisfying certification requirements
To maintain certification, you must continue to satisfy all the requirements for certification verified in the course of the assessment process.
From time to time, the Assessment Panel, in consultation with the Steering Committee and with the approval of the EEC Board, may revise the areas of assessment or introduce additional requirements for certification, such as revised prerequisites for certification or required training.
In these instances, you may be required to show you have met the revised criteria for certification within a given timeframe. Any new requirements will be communicated to you in writing.
Maintaining personal details
It is your responsibility to notify the certifications office in writing if:
- your contact details change;
- your employer changes, or;
- any relevant memberships, affiliations or certifications are revoked.
Payment of the scheduled fees
To maintain your certification, you must pay all the applicable fees set out in the Rules and Sub-rules.
Current fees can be viewed on the Framework website.
Invoices must be paid by the due date to maintain your certification. Failure to pay the annual fee may result in suspension of certification.
Appropriate use of marketing & branding materials
Branding materials are provided to certified individuals upon confirmation of certification.
Certified individuals are authorised to use the branding for their certification level in promotional materials and activities. This branding may be used on promotional and business-related materials such as websites, letterheads and business cards. However it may not be used on any invoices, terms of trade, agreements, or similar documents.
Certified individuals must only use the branding materials appropriate for their level of certification.
Branding materials may not be used in a manner that directly or indirectly suggests that the EEC has endorsed the certified individual, or the quality of their work or services. Where the certified individual operates within a company, the use of branding materials must not suggest in any way that the company, or any other person or organisation, is certified under the Framework.
Certified individuals who withdraw from the Framework, fail to renew their certification, or have their certification suspended or revoked are required to immediately cease using the branding materials in their promotional documentation and activities.
If certified individuals are notified by the Framework office that they have breached the requirements on the use of branding materials, they must remedy the breach immediately.
Branding materials remain the property of the EEC, and must be used in accordance with the Rules and Sub-rules.
Insulation Installer
To maintain your Certified Insulation Installer certification, you must submit:
- Two (2) Job Assessment Forms (JAFs) each year of certification; and
- Ten (10) points of ongoing professional development each year of certification
You must submit your CPD log at the end of each year of your certification period.
- JAFs must be submitted through your profile on the EEC Professional Development Hub.
- To assist with evidence collection for your JAFs, we have created an evidence collection checklist for installations which you will have access to once you are eligible for maintenance or renewal.
- Jobs submitted must have been completed within six months of the submission date.
- Your ongoing professional development activities must be detailed in the Continual Professional Development log, which is available for download below.
- Only eligible activities will count towards the 10 required points. A table of eligible activities is available for download below.
- When submitting your CPD log, you will need to describe how each activity undertaken is relevant to your certification.
- When submitting your CPD log, you will need to provide evidence of completion of your CPD activities.
To renew your certification, you’ll need to log into your profile on the EEC Professional Development Hub to:
- Complete a renewal form; and
- Pay your renewal fee
The Assessment Panel will then review your entire submission at your three-year renewal date to determine your eligibility for renewal.
CII Eligible CPD Activities
Energy Management Systems Advisor
To maintain your Energy Management Systems Advisor certification, you must submit:
- One (1) case study each year of certification displaying at least four of the key elements of an EnMS (CEnMSA) or all seven key elements of an EnMS (CEnMSA Advanced); and
- Ten (10) points of ongoing professional development each year of certification.
You must submit your case study and CPD log at the conclusion of each year of your certification period.
- The case study must be detailed in the CEnMSA Case Study form, which is available for download below.
- You must have worked on the projects referenced in the CEnMSA Case Study form in the twelve months leading up to submission.
- Your ongoing professional development activities must be detailed in the CPD Log, which is available for download below.
- Only eligible activities will count towards the 10 required points. A table of eligible activities is available for download below.
- When submitting your CPD log, you will need to describe how each activity undertaken is relevant to your certification, as well as which Area of Assessment the activity relates to.
- When submitting your CPD log, you will need to provide evidence of completion of your CPD activities.
To renew your certification you’ll need to:
- Complete a renewal form; and
- Pay your renewal fee
The Assessment Panel will then review your entire submission at your three-year renewal date to determine your eligibility for renewal.
CEnMSA Eligible CPD Activities
CEnMSA Case Study form
Emissions Reduction Leader - Commercial Buildings
To maintain your Certified Emissions Reduction Leader for Commercial Buildings certification, you must submit:
- One (1) case study each year of certification showing you have worked on an IBERS project (CERL-CB) or led an IBERS project (CERL-CB Advanced); and
- Ten (10) points of ongoing professional development each year of certification
You must submit your case study and CPD log at the conclusion of each year of your certification period.
- The case study must be detailed in the CERL-CB Case Study form, which is available for download below.
- You must have worked on the projects referenced in the CERL-CB Case Study form in the twelve months leading up to submission.
- Your ongoing professional development activities must be detailed in the CPD Log, which is available for download below.
- Only eligible activities will count towards the 10 required points. A table of eligible activities is available for download below.
- When submitting your CPD log, you will need to describe how each activity undertaken is relevant to your certification, as well as which Area of Assessment the activity relates to.
- When submitting your CPD log, you will need to provide evidence of completion of your CPD activities.
To renew your certification you’ll need to:
- Complete a renewal form; and
- Pay your renewal fee
The Assessment Panel will then review your entire submission at your three-year renewal date to determine your eligibility for renewal.
CERL-CB Eligible CPD Activities
CERL-CB Case Study form